![From https://twitter.com/Leornian_MD/status/1534847453379321858](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/02297109-a848-4d28-b600-bcfc17044d4f/FUzfn5mXsAMT5FX.jpg)
From https://twitter.com/Leornian_MD/status/1534847453379321858
What do the pyramids mean?
- Legend
- yellow node = perceiving agent
- black node = system nodes
- lines between black nodes = relationships, ‘cause and effect’
- lines between yellow and black = ability to perceive nodes, and/or their relationships
- Simple
- no relationships, clarity of perception
- Complicated
- relationships, clarity of perception
- Complex
- relationships, lack of clarity of perception
- Chaos
- no relationships (or are there?!), lack of clarity of perception
From https://twitter.com/petrosoniak/status/1522060070636433409
From https://www.cecan.ac.uk/events/cecan-webinar-cynefin-navigating-uncertainty/